Catherine Properzi

Catherine graduated from the University of Wollongong NSW in 1999 after completing a Bachelor of Science (Hon) and a Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics. She worked in teaching hospitals in NSW, Tasmania and South Australia, across specialities including critical care, gastroenterology, neurology and neurosurgery, before moving the WA’s remote Pilbara region. During her 7 years living in the Pilbara she provided dietetic services within the local regional hospital, community centres, RFDS outreach clinics and Aboriginal health services.

Since moving to Perth she has worked in tertiary-based services providing in-home clinical dietetic care. She was one of the founding members of staff in the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics program at Edith Cowan University where she is a lecturer and researcher. Catherine has also recently completed her PhD thesis where researched the role of diets in treating fatty liver disease.

Catherine aims to helps people to manage their medical conditions and improve their health and quality of life through realistic dietary approaches.

Catherine has special interests in fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome and functional gastrointestinal conditions.

Our other Doctors

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Dr. Simon Hazeldine


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Dr. Oliver Duncan


Dr. Oliver Duncan is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist with extensive training within Australia and overseas.

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Dr. Puraskar Pateria


Dr Puraskar Pateria is a consultant gastroenterologist and interventional endoscopist. He completed his research fellowship and basic physician training at Sir Charles Gairdner hospital in 2015.

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Dr. Amanda Thomas


Dr. Amanda Thomas is a gastroenterologist, originally from Perth. She offers clinic and endoscopy services at both Hollywood Private and Murdoch St John of God Hospitals.

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Azar B-Nejad

BSC (Nutr & Food Science) PGradDip Dietetics

Azar completed her studies in Nutrition and Food Science in 2004 at Curtin University, WA. She then worked in public health for 5 years, working with local councils, schools and community groups focussing on nutrition, primary prevention and management of chronic diseases.

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