Your private health information may be used and disclosed by your physician, our office staff and others outside of our office that are involved in your care and treatment for the purpose of providing health care services to you , to pay your health care bills, to support the operation of the physician’s practice, and any other use required by law.
Follow the instructions on the bowel preparation sheet, reading both sides prior to your preparation date. Please follow our instructions and not this on the product box
Undigested vegetable matter reduces the quality of the test. Please see diet information attached to your preparation instructions.
You must not eat any solid food for at least 24 hours before your procedure. The specific time you must not have any solid foods will be on your preparation information instructions.
Please follow all the instructions about fasting. If you are feeling dehydrated you can only drink water until 2 hours prior to your arrival time. You should take your normal tablets (except diabetic medications) with a sip of water at 6am on the day of your procedure.
If you have troublesome constipation please see your preparation instructions.
To make the bowel preparation more palatable chill in the fridge prior to consumption
If you are prone to nausea and vomiting discuss using an anti-emetic (e.g. Maxalon or Stemetil) with your GP or Pharmacist. If you suffer from headaches, Anagraine (Paracetamol & Maxalon combination) can be taken 1 hour prior to starting your bowel prep and then regularly as per the instructions on the packet.
Drink a variety of clear fluids including water, black tea or coffee, clear soups, clear apple juice, jelly or isotonic sports drinks regularly to avoid dehydration. You must avoid red and green food colouring.
Use moist baby wipes and a nappy barrier cream on your bottom to make it more comfortable.
For patients who cannot tolerate Picoprep or Colonic lavage, please contact the rooms for alternative preparations.